About Us

To support and strengthen The Lompoc Food Pantry Catholic Charities in their mission to alleviate food insecurity within Lompoc. Through collaborative efforts, fundraising, and volunteer engagement, we aim to enhance the Lompoc Food Pantry's capacity to provide nutritious food and vital resources to individuals and families in need.

Our Mission

Who Are We

The Lompoc Food Pantry is a branch of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara County. Which means, not all donations made to Catholic Charities benefit Lompoc directly. Lompoc does gain great benefit from this organization; however, more is needed.

The Friends of The Lompoc Pantry was started to solicit donations and volunteerism in support of the Lompoc branch.

We are a small group of community members who want local donations to stay in Lompoc and the Lompoc Valley.

What we do

Friends of the Lompoc Food Pantry collect donations and buy essential goods and services in direct support of the Lompoc Food Pantry (Catholic Charities).

100% of monies collected from cash donations and merchandise directly benefits those who live in Lompoc.